
The functioning of AL.MA NETWORK is based precisely on a solid network of collaborators, between public and private entities, united among themselves in order to improve the market and encourage cross-border commercial relations, each in its own area and service of competence.

Our collaborators

Matteo Gori Legal is a commercial and international law firm. In addition to the traditional areas of domestic commercial and corporate law, the Firm has always dealt with international law and, over the years, has cultivated and established numerous international relations and strong links with international law firms based in European countries, in the United States and in the Middle East, in such a way as to be able to provide assistance to Italian companies that intend to develop transnational projects and operations, to sign international contracts or that are a Parti in international disputes.

Law firm specialized in international contract law. We identify the main problems of the current operations and of the contractual texts used. We provide a service that proposes remedies, additions, revisions or modifications, suitable to optimally regulate the related commercial relationships. The areas of verification mainly include: • Communication and negotiations with foreign partners • International contracts (sale, purchase, distribution) • Relations with local and foreign agents • Intellectual property (trademarks, patents, etc.) • Contractual and Corporate Joint Ventures (including the establishment of offices/branches and companies abroad.) • Analysis of your website for online promotion and sale by verifying compliance with current legislation and compliance relating to data processing.

COSMOB is today the reference point for companies of the Italian and worldwide manufacturing sector. Our mission is to aggregate value to the product, supporting national and international manufacturing companies in their competitive expansion processes, providing innovative technological solutions and services in several fields, from product quality and certification to research and innovation, to digital manufacturing and specialist technical training. The continuous investments in the development of technical-specialist skills of our team and technological equipment, allow us to propose a diversified offer to support our customers in an increasingly competitive and evolving market. At COSMOB, we have a strong focus on environmental sustainability, on people’s health and wellbeing, on the control and optimization of production processes and the safety of the compliant product, which is of Italian origin and competitive in international markets.

Meccano works to increase a company culture based on research and development, innovation and quality, being strategic factors for the competitiveness of Italian companies. "Innovation without fractures" capable of ensuring the introduction of innovative technologies with a guided integration process, in order to implement in companies the transition to the culture of tailor-made innovation, able to guarantee an improvement in the competitiveness of the company system based on the identification and enhancement of its distinctive advantages. Services: - Recognitions and accreditations; - Prototypes design and development; - Research and development; - Product certification; - Training; - Quality, environment and safety.

The University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" is an Italian university located in Urbino,a magnificent Reinassance city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The University was founded as Law school in 1506 by Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, with the name of "Collegio dei Dottori". This academic institution, with over 500 years of history, offers a wide range of courses, from degree courses to postgraduate and doctoral programs, as well as an articulated research activity in multiple disciplinary fields. Nowadays the University of Urbino is renowned mostly for its humanities and social sciences faculties, in particular literature, language studies, economics and sociology, and for the high reputation of its Italian language courses.

We are a partner in a network of 65 International branches covering 35 countries. Together with our strategic partners we are a European notified body for many of the European Directives. We serve a wide range of sectors including: Agriculture products, Textiles, Furniture, Leather products, Chemicals and others. We are internationally accredited as an inspection body in a wide scope, including being accredited as Certification body for ISO9001, 14001, 22000, 27001&OHSAS 18001 as well as Sector specific certification such as Global GAP, ISO/TS 16949 , ISO 22716 & ISO 13485. We are also a Certification body for Social Responsibility, SR 8000 and Compliance to ISO 26000. Moreover, we also offer Consultancy and Training in Quality & Quality infrastructure.