The soul of digital export


Our service allow users to easily filter and review companies. More than that, you will be able to view the companies details, request a contact and archive all of your desired ones.

  • Filter companies
  • Review them
  • Ask for a contact
  • Trade!
How it works


This is the one actively searching for companies. Specify your criteria, choosing between Location, Balance Range, Commodity Sectors and more!

  • Register on the website
  • Start searching for companies
  • Ask for a contact
  • Trade!
Partner sign-up
Registered already? Login >


These are the companies partners will search for. Right after having an account activated and having submitted your company informations, partners will be able to see you and choose to request a contact.

  • Activate an account
  • Submit your company informations
  • Wait for a contact
  • Trade!
Company sign-up
Registered already? Login >

Quick search companies profiles

Our service is made to be easy to use. A step-by-step search page will guide you through the process.

Extremely agile information exchange

Right after been approved from a moderator, you can start partnering with your desired companies.

Reliable moderators

All informations transactions between users will be managed by one of our moderators. Your contacts will be guaranteed at every step.

News ed eventi


    Already own an account? Login here.
